Hinting Cache Decorator Types

Recently, I encountered a python function that I didn’t want to modify, but whose output I wanted cached. Providing typehints for this seemed a bit complicated, so I’m posting this gist as a reminder. The main trick involves extensions from PEP 612.
In words, the decorator will take some function f
that takes parameters P
and produces a str
. I want to be able to call f
and additionally provide a filename that will point to a file in which the string will be written. The cache will be super basic, checking just for the existence of the file and skipping f
if that file exists.
In code, that looks like the following
from pathlib import Path
import typing
P = typing.ParamSpec("P")
def cache_str(f: typing.Callable[P, str]) -> typing.Callable[typing.Concatenate[Path, P], str]:
def wrapper(_filename: Path, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> str:
if _filename.exists():
print(f"Found cached result {_filename}. Skipping!")
i = _filename.read_text()
# run!
i = f(*args, **kwargs)
return i
return wrapper
And then the decorator could be used like
def get_str(msg: str) -> str:
print("This function takes so long to run--I hope that I don't need to run it twice")
return msg
import tempfile
msg = "cached message"
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
tmp_path = Path(tmpdir) / "cache.txt"
get_str(tmp_path, msg=msg)
print("trying to read message from cache...")
get_str(tmp_path, msg=msg)
This function takes so long to run--I hope that I don't need to run it twice
trying to read message from cache...
tmp_path.read_text()='cached message'
Found cached result /tmp/tmpp44byo4s/cache.txt. Skipping!
This is neat, but although my editor recognizes that the decorated function can accept a path as the first argument, that first argument could not be named. This appears to have been an explicit choice in PEP 612, made to avoid potential clashes with keyword arguments from the decorated function.